Stripe Sleeve Sweater

Stripe Sleeve Sweater

A comfy top + Jeans + slip ons = my ‘mom uniform’. As much as I love dressing up, being a stay at home Mama and running around in heels all day just doesn’t make sense. Three days a week my 4 year old has preschool from 9-11:30. On those days I try to look a little more put together. The other two days I wear my pajamas as long as possible and soak up everything those slow mornings have to offer. Today would usually be a slow morning but I had a doctor appt and my sweet friend (Bonus: she lives next door!) watched my tiny men so I could fly solo. As soon as I became a Mom I realized a solo trip to the doctor, grocery store or dentist is like a mini vaca. Speaking of doctor, does anyone else try to wear the lightest clothes possible to ensure your weigh-in is as low as possible? No? Okay, me neither.

Today I opted for this adorable sweater. It is so soft and fits TTS. I love the stripes on the sleeves. They are simple yet add so much to a what would otherwise be another plain sweater. If you haven’t noticed, I’ve been living in these jeans and slip on sneakers. My 1 year old will actually go on the hunt for these shoes then proceed to throw them at me when he wants to go outside. Subtle. I finished the look with some simple earrings and my favorite layered necklace.


Sweater (Fits TTS, selling fast!)

Jeans (Run big, order one size down)

Shoes HERE




Satchel HERE or HERE


The Mr had a tooth pulled this afternoon so he and my tiniest man are snoozing away right now while I watch my 4 year old make Halloween slime. I’m making keto-friendly chili for dinner and am planning on doing a whole post on my keto experience so far. Spoiler alert: I’m down 7 lbs, whoop!

Enjoy the rest of this gorgeous day & Happy Shopping!


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